Monday, November 9, 2020

Multiple Tag Search and Excluding Tags in

As does not support Tag searching via Search Bar then "How is it possible to do Multiple Tag Searching and Excluding tags???"
Well, the solution is through Advance Search.

"Advance Search" Whats That??

Here is where you can find Advance Search.

So, next question Arises is "what are the Filters available in Advance Search?" and "How does that work?"

Overlook of Advance Search

Manga Name --> You can write the keyword in the text bar and then you have two options to select 
  1. Contains with --> refers to searching the Keyword in entire Manga name like Keyword can be present at the start or end with keyword or Keyword in middle of hentai manga Name.
    Searching "Anata" using Manga name "Contains With"

  2. Starts with --> refers to the Hentai manga name should only start with the respected keyword entered in the Manga name text box.
    Searching "Anata" using Manga name "Starts With"

Note: The Keyword Matches the Japanese name as well as English Name while Searching Hentai Manga.

English name and Japanese English translated Name

Sort By --> It has 5 Different types of sorting based on users Requirements i.e.Newest, Most Popular, Highest Rated, Most Viewed, Title(by hentai name).

Note: Will explain Tag Search after Include and Exclude Tags.

Pages --> Limiting the no of pages from 0-1000
Include Multiple and Excluding Tags via Advance Search --> First select the type of content you want to include and exclude(Highlighted in Red Box) --> click on the Search Bar

Once, you have entered the any input in the Search Bar, you will see the recommendation as shown below 

Select on the "GREEN" part of  "Milf" to include the Tag Where as select on the "RED" part to exclude the tag.

Lets Consider an Example that would make us understand the Search in more Broader perspective.

Tags: Milf, aunt
Exclude Tags: Scat, Moral Degradation.
If you want we can also add the collection type as Artist CG.

Including Tags

Adding Artist CG along with other Tags

Note: Select the Proper category, else it will not Display tags in Recommendation or "What you are looking for".

Excluding Tags

Once Done, you can click on the search to get the results.

Tag Search --> Considering Above Example for Including Tags(Milf and Aunt)
  1. AND --> when this option is selected, it will display all the Hentai Manga's which contains both tags i.e. Milf and Aunt Tag
    "AND" Results
  2. OR --> when this option is selected, it will Display all the Hentai Manga's which atleast one tag i.e Milf or Aunt Tag.
    "OR" Results

This Ends Multiple Tag Search and Excluding Tags in



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